The Anonymous Eskimo Podcast
The Anonymous Eskimo Podcast is an Indigenous podcast devoted to uplift Indigenous peoples, with a mission to send hope to those struggling with the negative stigma placed upon mental health issues, the disease of alcoholism, and drug addiction. To also bring awareness to the MMIWG2S & MMIP crisis. Through guests sharing their experiences, inspiration, strength, and hope. I want to break the stigma that is associated with indigenous people, mental health and recovery.
Host: Ralph Sara
Host: Ralph Sara
The Anonymous Eskimo Podcast
Kendra Kloster - Episode 133
Season 3
Episode 133
Kendra Kahtle-et Kloster, Tlingit Raven/kiks.adi from Wrangell and Juneau, AK. Currently serving as the co-Director for law & policy at the Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center and a partner with the MMIWG2S Alaska Working Group. She wears multiple hats in life and community work - "being a mother of three children is my favorite role in life. My kids and our beautiful Alaskan communities inspire me everyday to continue to do this important work and the hope that soon everyone will be free from violence and be living traditional ways of life. "