The Anonymous Eskimo Podcast
The Anonymous Eskimo Podcast is an Indigenous podcast devoted to uplift Indigenous peoples, with a mission to send hope to those struggling with the negative stigma placed upon mental health issues, the disease of alcoholism, and drug addiction. To also bring awareness to the MMIWG2S & MMIP crisis. Through guests sharing their experiences, inspiration, strength, and hope. I want to break the stigma that is associated with indigenous people, mental health and recovery.
Host: Ralph Sara
Host: Ralph Sara
The Anonymous Eskimo Podcast
Michelle Chubb - Episode 121
Ralph Sara/Michelle Chubb
Season 3
Episode 121
Michelle Chubb aka Indigenous Baddie on social media is a model, activist, and public speaker. Michelle is Swampy Cree from the Bunibonibee Cree Nation, north of Manitoba, Canada.
Michelle makes content to educate non-Indigenous people and to inspire indigenous youth to come out of their shells and express themselves.
Michelle is sober and represents strong indigenous women in sobriety.
On this show Michelle shares her journey to educate people about indigenous culture and to uplift our indigenous relatives.